Where’s my mojo?

May wasn’t a great month for me. I’ve been in a bit of a mental health fug, but too proud to tell anyone, including my partner, or ask for help until the other day. It has affected my sleeping pattern which is currently in tatters, especially now the weather has warmed up to the point that my bedroom is at 28°c (83°f).

One other effect is that I haven’t been reading as much as I’d like. I ended up reading a couple of short stories, one excellent, one okay, and found a bit of my reading mojo returning. I made a short clip which goes through my May 2021 reads.

Be Proud

In this sunny month of June, Pride Month, I want to pay tribute to everyone who has struggled with persecution, ignorance, violence, or bigotry, for no justifiable reason, just because of their gender identity, or sexual orientation.

I am proud to be the father of a transgender daughter, who is in her third year at university. As far as I can gather, everyone there has been very accepting and non-judgemental. Until the older generations drop irrational prejudices, there will continue to be this “us and them” mentality for years to come.

There have been grumbles about wanting a straight pride parade. LGBTQ+ people, in part, have these parades to show they are entitled to be proud of who they are without all of the persecution that so many have faced. Instead of demanding a straight pride event, be glad you don’t need one.

I wish everyone a very happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈

Published by JL Dixon

Writer and avid reader. Contact me for reviews, book tours, proofing, and Beta reads. All reviews are honest and my own opinion. All mistakes are my own 🤦

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